
Showing posts from April, 2020

How Dark Can I Legally Tint My Car Windows?

  When it comes to window tints , the darker the better. Wondering how dark you can legally tint your vehicle's windows? The answer will depend on your state and sometimes even your county, but  the most common allowable limits are 50% for the front side windows and 35% for the rear side windows and the rear windshield.  Now let's talk about some state specifics... Legal Window Tinting Limits by State Window Tinting Jargon and Definitions Understanding the following terminology will help you to better understand local tinting laws: VLT stands for  visible light transmission , and window tint darkness is measured in VLT percentages Front side windows refer to the driver's and passenger's moveable front windows Rear side windows include the rear passenger windows--but they also include any side windows that are behind the front side windows Shade bands  are bands of window tinting film that extend down from the top of the w...