Does Window Tinting Affect the Temperature in My Car
You may be wondering whether or not window tinting affects the temperature inside of your vehicle, and the answer is a resounding yes! Getting your car windows tinted isn't just for privacy or looking cool. Believe it or not, that thin layer of window tint does an amazing job of blocking sunrays, lowering the overall temperature inside your vehicle. As temperatures outside soar next summer, tinted windows will keep your interior much cooler. Here's the science behind it.
How Window Tint Keeps the Heat Out
Window tint
serves as a barrier between the sun and a vehicle's interior. Tinting films are
made from polyester and varying combinations of other materials. These films
are designed to block thermal energy from the sun while still allowing an
adequate amount of light to shine through. This filtering affect is measured in visible light transmission unit’s aka VLTs. Window tinting
specialists like the ones at Capital Mobile Tint & Customs will be familiar
with the legal VLT percentages in your state. Getting your tints professionally
installed will allow you to maximize cooling potential while still staying in
compliance with local laws.
Why Reducing Interior Heat is Beneficial
The Effects of Extreme Temperatures on Your Body
probably familiar with the skin cancer risk associated with harmful UV rays,
but it's not just excessive sunlight that's bad for you. Getting into an
extremely hot car is not only uncomfortable--it's unhealthy. Even though you
may not notice the affects right away, excessive temperatures in your vehicle
can cause mild dehydration and cellular damage. This is why you sometimes feel
run down while running errands in the summertime.
The Possibility of Inhaling Dangerous Toxins
hidden danger of being in a hot car is exposure to toxins that are released
when the plastic components of your interior are overheated. In light of this
health risk, it's surprising that more stock model vehicles don't come
pre-equipped with window tinting.
The Damage to Your Vehicle's Interior Over Time
It's not just
the light that causes your interior to dry out and crack; it's the heat. Tinted
windows will reduce sunrays which include both light and heat. Both contribute
to interior damage.
How Much Does Window Tinting Affect Interior Temperatures?
A car without
tint will let in about 90% of visible light including harmful UV rays. For this
reason, sitting in the car with the sun shining directly on your skin is not
much different than sitting outside. This is why getting a "trucker's
tan" on one of your arms is a thing. Tinted windows, on the other hand,
can reduce the light coming into your vehicle by up to 56% which will lower the
temperature substantially.
Scientific Study
In 2012, F.M.
Nasir and M.A. Jasni conducted an experiment that
demonstrated how window tinting plays a major role in reducing the ambient
temperature inside of a vehicle. They used a very weak tint in that study, but
even with that weaker than average tint, the temperature was reduced by an
average of 8 degrees Celsius. Higher quality tints will have better infrared
rejection rates resulting in a more drastic impact.
So yes,
window tinting does affect the temperature in the car--and quite substantially.
Less sunlight coming through equals less heat--plain and simple. If you are in
the Las Vegas, Nevada area, and ready to cool down your interior, contact us to set up an appointment for window tinting.
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